Poster on the history of the Egyek-Pusztakócs landscape (2007), 2.7 MB
Project brochure in Hungarian, English (2005), 2.6 MB
Project booklet in Hungarian, English (2008), 10 MB
Layman's Report (2008), 1.4 MB; cover 0.2 MB
Technical Implementation Plan for Grassland Restoration (revised 2008), 1.9 MB
Guidelines for the Restoration of Pannonic Grasslands (2008), 1.5 MB
Programme and abstract book of 4th Hungarian Conservation Biology Conference - Workshop organized by the project, 0.8 MB
Master Plan for the Long-term Rehabilitation of the Egyek-Pusztakócs marshes (2005), 1.4 MB
Report on the Basic Survey of Main Terrestrial Habitats of the Egyek-Pusztakócs marshes (2004), 0.4 MB
Interim Report (2006), 4.3 MB
Final Report (2009), 1.2 MB; Annex to Final Report (2009), 6.0 MB
Monitoring Report (2008), 0.5 MB
Full list of publications and presentations related to the project
Déri E, Lengyel S, Tóthmérész B & Deák B. 2006. The role of habitat- and landscape-level heterogeneity in the maintenance of biodiversity in an example of Hortobágy habitat complex. Poster, 7th Congress of Hungarian Ecologists, Budapest, Hungary. (second prize in poster competition) pdf
Lengyel S, Gőri S, Lontay L, Kiss B, Sándor I. & Aradi C. 2007. Conservation biology in practice: habitat management and landscape rehabilitation in the Egyek-Pusztakócs LIFE-Nature programme. Természetvédelmi Közlemények 13: 127-140. [in Hungarian with English summary] pdf
Lengyel S, Lontay L, Gőri S, Molnár A, Kiss B, Sándor I & Aradi C. 2007. The Egyek-Pusztakócs landscape rehabilitation programme (1976-2009). Poster, 4th National Conservation Biology Conference, Tokaj, Hungary. pdf
Nagy GG & Lengyel S. 2008. Bird fauna of Egyek-Pusztakócs (Hortobágy, Hungary) between 2004 and 2006: initial effects of the second phase of landscape rehabilitation. Aquila 114-115: 9-25. [in Hungarian with English summary] pdf
Török P, Deák B, Vida E, Lontay L, Lengyel S & Tóthmérész B. 2008. Landscape-level grassland restoration using loess and alkali seed mixtures in Egyek-Pusztakócs, Hortobágy National Park. Botanikai Közlemények 95: 101-113. [in Hungarian with English summary] pdf
Deák B, Török P, Kapocsi I, Lontay L, Vida E, Valkó O, Lengyel S & Tóthmérész B. 2008. Restoration of alkali and loess grasslands using seed mixtures of foundation species in Egyek-Pusztakócs, Hortobágy National Park. Tájökológiai Lapok 6: 323-332. [in Hungarian with English summary] pdf
Vida E, Deák B, Török P, Valkó O., Miglécz T, Lengyel S & Tóthmérész B. 2008. Restoration of loess and alkali grasslands in Hortobágy National Park. Kitaibelia 13: 139-141. pdf
Deák B, Török P, Vida E, Valkó O, Miglécz T, Déri E, Lontay L, Lengyel S, Tóthmérész B. 2008. Results of landscape-level grassland restoration in the Egyek-Pusztakócs LIFE programme. Proceedings of the 4th Conference of the Environmental Sciences in the Carpathian Basin, Pp. 310-315, University of Debrecen Press, Debrecen. [in Hungarian] pdf
Lengyel S, Déri E, Deák B, Horváth R, Magura T & Tóthmérész B. 2008. Grassland restoration and management to increase landscape biodiversity. Poster, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Chattanooga, USA. pdf
Déri E, Lengyel S, Lontay L, Deák B, Török P, Magura T, Horváth R, Kisfali M, Ruff G, Tóthmérész B. in press. Természetvédelmi stratégiák alkalmazása a Hortobágyon: az egyek-pusztakócsi LIFE-Nature program eredményei. Természetvédelmi Közlemények. pdf
Török P, Deák B, Vida E, Valkó O, Lengyel S, Tóthmérész B. in press. Conserving grassland biodiversity by restoration: low-diversity seed mixtures, weed control, rapid changes, and landscape effects. Biological Conservation. pdf
Déri E, Magura T, Horváth R, Kisfali M, Ruff G, Lengyel S, Tóthmérész B. in press. Measuring the short-term success of grassland restoration: the use of habitat affinity indices in ecological restoration. Restoration Ecology. pdf

